hurry up!

Our culture, nurtured alongside Ulysses, has always seen in the traveler a figure as strong and determined in departing as they are in need of finding peace and home. If travelers have always existed, so too have those who provided them with hospitality / accoglienza in Italian language.


[lat. *accollĭgĕre, comp. di ad- e collĭgĕre «cogliere, raccogliere»] 

To receive, and particularly to receive into one’s home, admit into one’s group, temporarily or permanently; especially with regard to the manner, feeling, and manifestations with which one receives


personal research – photography – video – exhibition


a one day exhibition in Macelleria Targhetta, September 2017
a one month exhibition in Cattedrale Em Macello Padova, September 2018

The tales of friends’ journeys and our own travels speak of magnificent places, of the richness of diversity, and of the unexpected magic that the hospitality of distant, unknown, often poor people has gifted us.
In our frenetic and virtual society we no longer have ‘time to welcome’. The word ‘hospitality’ no longer speaks of magic.

In the last three years I followed the arrival of 21 young people hosted for a few days in a former college in Castelfranco Veneto. They were then quickly expelled, welcomed into some buildings, then driven out by the inhabitants, housed in gyms, crowded into barracks, former B&Bs, makeshift structures, entrusted to cooperatives born three days before, transferred to Rome, to Trieste… the word ‘hospitality’ has taken on other meanings.

I understood that without care regarding the terms ‘way, feeling, manifestations with which one receives,’ true hospitality is not given. That without cultural mediation aimed at autonomy and integration, it is a sterile hospitality that does not lead to independence but to new dependencies. That crowding and ghettoization generate convenience for those who provide hospitality, not for those who receive it (and recalls disturbing monsters of the past).

That experiences of widespread hospitality exist, they require effort, but they work. That a state is a State if it studies tools to manage a problem, finding solutions of legality in illegality, not if it ignores, rejects, delegates, or makes it a short-sighted tool of propaganda.

That the culture of hospitality is a precious asset, to be defended and taught. From here comes CARNE DA MACELLO, from all the stories of non-hospitality, disguised as hospitality, that I could not show and tell. Asking myself ‘How humane are we in talking about hospitality?’